Title Using Bayesian machine learning techniques for addressing the role of natural and human-induced drivers for coastal fish indicators in the Baltic Sea
Start Time 18/09/2017 15:30
End Time 18/09/2017 15:45
Category Theme session details
All Day Event  
Presentation Code  
Meeting rooms Grand Ballroom G
Link to webpage  
Presentation type Oral
Link to Abstract 149
Link to Abstract:Abstract Title Using Bayesian machine learning techniques for addressing the role of natural and human-induced drivers for coastal fish indicators in the Baltic Sea
Link to Abstract:First Author Jens Olsson
Link to Abstract:ID 149
Theme session H
Theme session:Title The practical use of ecosystem indicators for decision-making
Theme session:Symbol H
Theme session:Convenors name Jamie C. Tam (Canada) Alida Bundy (Canada) Laura Uusitalo (Finland)
Content Type: Event