Press releases

Press release - Identifying the science and advisory needs for sustainable aquaculture

ICES will hold an Aquaculture Dialogue Meeting that brings industry, stakeholders, policy-managers, and scientists together to discuss how science can advise and support sustainable aquaculture.
Published: 13 April 2015

​​​​​​"Aquaculture is a key food growth area into the future and the objective of the dialogue meeting is to clearly identify how the ICES science and advisory system can be used to support sustainable aquaculture development", says Cornelius Hammer, ICES First Vice President, who will be chairing the meeting.

"Aquaculture is an important component of the ICES Strategic Plan and an open dialogue with all stakeholders is central to assess gaps and needs, and avoiding duplication of efforts", Hammer continues.

Some key considerations for the meeting include aquaculture-environmental interactions, further development of methods and standards, and establishing links with industry for on-going communication on science and advisory needs.

ICES Strategic Plan (2014-2018) focuses on the evaluation and provision of data and information, science, and advice on options for the sustainable use and protection of marine ecosystems.  ICES recognises the need to produce the information and advice decision-makers need, and will respond to the evolving policy context and requests that support sustainable aquaculture.

The meeting, which takes place 1-2 June 2015 in Bergen, Norway, will attract 150 participants, half of whom have been invited while the remaining spots will be filled through an open registration process.

A draft agenda, as well as more information on how to participate in the meeting, is available on the ICES website.

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Press release - Identifying the science and advisory needs for sustainable aquaculture

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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