Press releases

Press release - ICES Science Fund supports eight innovative projects

From 100 years of Baltic change to improving fisheries management through behavioural economics, ICES announces eight projects to be supported by the newly established ICES Science Fund.
Published: 9 April 2014

​"We received  many diverse and interesting proposals but focused on projects that will add value to ICES Science Plan, are feasible, and engage both academic and government institutions. Scientists in the early stages of their career were given a preference in the selection process", explains Yvonne Walther, Chair of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM), which was responsible for selecting the successful proposals.

"Making a selection was hard but the process used SCICOMs wide variety of expertise. What we are doing, in fact, is creating opportunities and leading ICES science into a certain direction in the future", Walther elaborated.

All projects will have two partners, reflecting shared leadership between academic and government research institutions.

Go to the Science Fund page to view the full list of projects and to follow their development.

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Press release - ICES Science Fund supports eight innovative projects

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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