Press releases

ICES Science Fund helps further the understanding of the marine ecosystem

Successful ICES Science Fund projects announced.
Published: 13 May 2015

​​The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has announced seven projects that will receive support from the ICES Science Fund in 2015. Yvonne Walther, Chair of ICES Science Committee (SCICOM), states, "Our aim is to strengthen existing areas of research within ICES such as Integrated Ecosystem Assessments and changes in marine fish population sizes. However, several of the chosen projects are considered seeds that will help bridge research into new areas of interest. For example, what can gastropods tell us about ocean acidification?  What limits the spread of an invasive species? Can microbes be indicative of Good Environmental Status?"

Outlining the importance of broadening research areas, Walther commented, "We see a potential in the selected projects to help us understand and answer important questions about the marine ecosystem and forecast changes. The future of our advice relies on breaking new frontiers in the exploration of the sea."

All projects share leadership between academia and government research institutions and have a maximum duration of one year.

Go to the ICES website to view the full list of projects and follow their development.

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ICES Science Fund helps further the understanding of the marine ecosystem

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