
ICES awards scientists for innovative research

Scientists rewarded for excellence, originality, and creativity in presentations.
Published: 12 September 2019

​​​​​​​​​​A successful week of scientific discussion has come to an end in Gothenburg. 

The Annual Science Conference (ASC) is a meeting point and a platform for engagement for ICES community. This year's event brought together almost 800 members of the marine science community and participants enjoyed 18 different theme sessions throughout the week, where the most up-to-date research was presented.

Each year, the most inspiring, original, and valuable contributions are formally recognized by ICES Awards Committee at the closing ceremony.

Two poster presentations are awarded. Pierre Petitgas's poster on the "Use of satellite image products to understand variation in fish growth: sardine and anchovy in the Bay of Biscay" was chosen as the standout poster at the conference. Pauliina A. Ahti was awarded with the Best Early Career Scientist Poster for her work, "Is age just a number? The role of senescence in the eco-evolutionary dynamics of fish populations".

Three oral presentations were awarded. Halley E. Froehlich's "Marine aquaculture under climate change impacts" and Leon Greenwere's "Understanding the risk of invasion through reproductive traits the of the introduced species – a case study of the round goby in the Baltic and North Sea ecosystems" were both awarded as best early career scientist presentations.

Amanda Schadeberg was awarded Best Presentation of the conference for her talk, "What are the fishing styles in the Netherlands and how can they be used to design more effective and equitable management solutions?"

An Out of the Box Award was presented to Sigrid Lehuta for her presentation “Avoiding unwanted catch: Maps and simulations to define areas to avoid and assess bio-economic consequences". 

Celebrating contributions to ICES 

Members of the community that have served on strategic initiatives were also honoured for their work. John Pinnegar and Myron Peck were thanked for their work on  ICES/PICES Strategic Initiative on Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems and Jörn Schmidt and Eva-Lotta Sundblad for their work on ICES Strategic Initiative on the Human Dimension .






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​Amanda Schadeberg, Wageningen Marine Research was awarded Best Presentation by Simon Jennings, SCICOM Chair. 

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ICES awards scientists for innovative research

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