
Theme Sessions


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A​  ​

Gelatinous zooplankton on a global perspective: interactions with fisheries and consequences for socio-economics

Cornelia Jaspers (Denmark), Richard Brodeur (PICES, USA), and José Luis Acuña ( Spain)

Theme Session A​Session A report
B​The science and tools for the management of networks of Marine Protected Areas

Henrique Queiroga (Portugal), Helen Bailey (USA), and Elsa Vázquez Otero (Spain)

Theme Session BSession B report

One size does not fit all – what does an integrated ecosystem assessment mean to YOU?

Rebecca Shuford (USA), Hein Rune Skjoldal (Norway), and Robin Anderson (Canada)

Theme Session C​Session C report

Fish tales from the past: Using subfossil, fossil, and prehistoric structures to describe past marine populations and oceans (Cancelled)

Marta Coll (Spain), Carina Olson (Sweden), and Inge Bödker Enghoff (Denmark)

​​​Session cancelled

Stocks in flux: From selection pressures via phenotypic and genetic adaptive responses to impacts on ecosystem services

Ulf Dieckmann (IIASA), Mikko Heino (Norway), and Filip Volkaert (Belgium)

Theme Session E​Session E report


Arctic biodiversity under climate change and other stressors

Sarah Bailey (Canada), Phillipe Archambault (Canada), and Andrea Sneekes (the Netherlands)

Theme Session F​​Session F report


​Practical advice for implementing marine policy: combining ecosystem and societal indicators in stock and ecosystem assessments

Gavin Fay (USA), Eva-Lotta Sundblad (Sweden), Scott Large (USA), and David Goldsborough (the Netherlands)

Theme Session G​Session G report


Harmful Algal Blooms in Aquaculture and Fisheries ecosystems: prediction and societal effects

Beatriz Reguera (Spain) , Juan Blanco (Spain), and Bengt Karlson (Sweden)

Theme Session HSession H report


The increasing importance of biofouling for marine invasions: an ecosystem altering mechanism

Andrea Sneekes, (the Netherlands), Francis Kerckhof (Belgium), and Thomas Therriault (PICES, Canada)

Theme Session I​Session I report


Climate change: Back to the future for marine predators

Tore Haug (Norway), Morten Frederiksen, (Denmark)​​, and John Pinnegar (UK)

Theme Session J

Session J report


The application of science for ecosystem-based management of aquaculture

Dave Jackson (Ireland), Heather Moore  (UK), and Neil Auchterlonie  (UK)

Theme Session K

​Session K report


Pelagic ecosystem dynamics from integrated monitoring surveys

​Sascha Fässler (the Netherlands), Jeroen van der Kooij (UK), and Pierre Petitgas (France)

Theme Session L​Session L report


Ecological consequences of reduced body size of organisms in the future ocean

Antonio Bode (Spain), Tara Marshall (UNIABDN), and Xosé Anxelu G. Morán (Spain)

Theme Session M

Session M report


Resilience and marine ecosystem services

Sebastian Villasante (Spain), Gonzalo Macho (Spain), and Stephanie Stefanski (USA)

Theme Session N​Session N report


Landings obligation as a pathway towards the integration of CFP and MSFD  – lessons learned and forward look after 2015

Tom Catchpole (UK),  Clara Ulrich (Denmark) and Marie-Joëlle Rochet (France)

Theme Session OSession O report


Operational solutions for cephalopod fisheries and culture

Marina Santurtun (Spain), Joao Pereira (Portugal), Begoña Santos (Spain), and Jean-Paul Robin (France)

Theme Session PSession P report


Physical and biological consequences of North Atlantic circulation patterns

Ken Drinkwater (Norway), Cesar Gonzalez-Pola (Spain), and Olafur Astthorsson (Iceland) and Seth Danielson (PICES, USA)

Theme Session Q​Session Q report


Analytical approaches to using telemetry data to assess marine survival of Diadromous and other migratory fish species

Niall Ó Maoiléidigh  (Ireland) and Ted Potter (UK)

Theme Session R ​Session R report
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Theme Sessions

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