WGACEGG coordinates surveys, methods, and processing of data in order to provide indices suitable for the Data Collection Framework (DCF) and ecosystem indicators for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The group also provides a range of ecosystem indicators and common regional databases and maps. The area covered by the group encompasses the continental shelves from Gibraltar to the UK.
Since the first meeting in 2005, the methods employed by the group have progressed significantly through standardization of survey strategies, intercalibrations and special operations, confrontation of results, and producing common maps from spring and autumn surveys. Since 2007, WGACEGG's biennial meeting has been held jointly with MEDIAS, a similar Mediterranean group, to coordinate pelagic acoustic surveys and data analysis methods in the Mediterranean Sea.
WGACEGG's activities ensure the provision and the quality of the data provided to ICES advisory groups in charge of the assessment of anchovy, sardine, blue whiting, Atlantic and horse mackerels and boarfish in the North Eastern Atlantic.