Workshop on Climate Change Impact on Salmon

WKCCISAL addressed the NASCO request for advice on the potential Climate Change Impacts on Atlantic SALmon stock dynamics.

​With changing climatic and oceanic conditions there is potential for effects to be reflected in salmon feeding, growth and migratory routes.  WKCCISAL aim to review predicted climatic changes over the range of wild Atlantic salmon, literature and research on biological and environmental drivers affecting stock dynamics and describe potential impacts upon:

  • Biological characteristics (growth, condition, maturity, fecundity, time at sea, survival, etc) that may affect the productivity of stocks
  • Riverine, estuarine and marine habitat and potential consequences for salmon
  • Interactions with other species (parasites, predators, preys and competing species including invasive species)
  • Migration routes used by salmon, the timing of migration and implications of such changes
  • Inter-population genetic diversity
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WKCCISAL in ICES Headquarters, March 2017

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