Working Group on Effectiveness of Recovery Actions for Atlantic Salmon

The ICES Working Group on Effectiveness of Recovery Actions for Atlantic Salmon (WGERAAS) examines the recovery and rebuilding actions of Atlantic salmon stocks.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Recovery and rebuilding actions for extinct or threatened stocks of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have been undertaken frequently in many areas of the species range. As critical evaluations of the effectiveness of these recovery actions are often lacking, the ICES Working Group on Effectiveness of Recovery Actions for Atlantic Salmon (WGERAAS) aims to produce an overview evaluating the effectiveness of such actions.

Of the many recovery and rebuilding programmes for Atlantic salmon, both past and present, few have thoroughly reviewed and evaluated the results of the programme. Such data is potentially very valuable for increasing the knowledge on what factors influence the success of recovery and rebuilding programmes. Conclusions from such evaluations can form the basis of general recommendations assisting Atlantic salmon management in deciding if a recovery or rebuilding programme should be considered, how to maximize its effectiveness, and how it should be evaluated.

WGERAAS aims to collect basic data on Atlantic salmon recovery and rebuilding programmes throughout the natural range of the species, collate a review of the results of these programmes, and determine when such programmes were successful or unsuccessful. Using this information, WGERAAS aims to produce a set of recommendations on how to conduct recovery and rebuilding programmes for Atlantic salmon.     

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