ICES Awards

Outstanding Achievement Award

​​​​​​​The Outstanding Achievement Award represents the highest expression of recognition for sustained advancement of ICES science.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This award recognizes outstanding performance by a member of ICES community whose career has been distinguished by a continued commitment to excellence in endeavours of science, research, and leadership.​

Leadership will have been demonstrated by the individual’s scientific achievements and sustained commitment to building ICES as a vibrant international institution adapted to future needs, and enhancing the value of ICES to its clients.

Collectively, the individual’s contributions will have greatly influenced ​and enriched the ICES community and ICES programmes over a sustained period.

Recognition will emphasize contributions to science and its application to policy. Additionally, the Award recognizes efforts in support of colleagues and mentoring of young scientists.​

​Nominations for the 2024 award recipient will open in early 2024 and the recipient will be announced at our Annual Science Confer​ence ​in Gateshead, UK.

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Ellen Kenchington, Outstanding Achievement Award recipient in 2023 accepts her award at ICES Annual Science Conference in Bilbao, Spain.

Recipients of the Outstanding Achievement Award:

2023  Ellen Kenchington (Canada)

2022 Manuela Azevedo (Portugal)

2021 Dave Reid (Ireland)

2020 Clara Ulrich (France)

2019 Ann Bucklin (United States of America​)

2018 Mike Armstrong (United Kingdom)

2017 Christian Möllmann (Germany)

2016 Peter H. Wiebe (United States of America)

2015 Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp (the Netherlands) 

2014 Bill Karp (United States of America

2013 Odd Magnar Nakken (Norway)

2012 John Pope (United Kingdom)

2011 Michael P. Sissenwine (United States of America)

2010 Harald Loeng (Norway)

2009 Jake Rice (Canada)

2008 Niels Daan (the Netherlands)

2005 David de G. Griffith (Ireland)

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Outstanding Achievement Award

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